About Mantra Learning

We are Mantra Learning. The UK’s leading Logistics learning and development organisation. Mantra supports and develops people to help change lives. As a company with 52 years of industry recognition, we work with some of the biggest brands in the country, including Aldi, Travis Perkins, Dixons Carphone and Eddie Stobart.
Our philosophy is to provide people from all walks of life with practical skills & knowledge. We inspire our learners to make the steps to transform not only business, but their own lives.
We help thousands each year to gain new skills, improve their performance. Helping people from a variety of backgrounds whether they are unemployed, new to the workforce or existing workers looking to boost their career. Approximately we deliver 400 Apprenticeships, over 200 Large Goods Vehicle licences and 1,100 Fork Lift Truck licences each year.
Our People
Our staff are experienced, passionate tutors with key industry knowledge. They are fully equipped to guide our learners every step of of their learning journey with a refreshing mix of learning methods. From on site face to face training, where our learners can work in top of the range facilities, to online delivery. We work with learners all over the country delivering the skills and knowledge needed to succeed.
"I feel like the person I should be" - David Fox, learner
Nationwide delivery
In July 2016 Mantra launched the National Logistics Academy to provide training, apprenticeships and workforce development to large, levy paying national logistics employers through a nationwide network of specialist logistics training providers.
Helping people back to work
Under the Job Gym brand we train people who are unemployed to gain employment in the logistics and contact centre sectors. Last year we supported around 1,400 unemployed learners with nearly 30% gaining a job as a result.
Attracting future talent
The National Logistics Academy is also a brand aimed at attracting and preparing young people to embark on a career in logistics and provide the industry with the workforce of the future. We actively promote the sector as a career of first choice, not last resort. We offer a range of entry points and learning programmes to help them make the transition from school to work. We are also a sponsor of the Think Logistics initiative.
Excellent achievement rates
Average achievement rates are over 83% for apprenticeships and 96% for pre-employment programmes.
Quality assured
Mantra has been rated 'Good' by Ofsted with many exceptionally good and strong features, which confirmed the high standard of education we provide for our learners. We are also accredited to the Matrix standard.
State-of-the-art training facilities
Mantra has first rate training facilities in Manchester, Stockport, St Helens and Warrington.
Our focus is on vocational training provided in specially adapted facilities that replicate the experiences our learners will encounter in the workplace.